Important Inventions and Discoveries for Competitive Exams

Inventions and discoveries is a part of static GK and it plays an important role in different Government exams. In general awareness section, list of inventions and discoveries is an important topic.

In different exams such as SSC, RRB, Bank, PSC etc. questions are asked and you must be prepared yourself from this section.

Inventions and Discoveries

Aspirants who are willing to start your preparation for competitive exams must focus on static GK as you can easily score high within very less time.

Here, we will provide you important inventions and discoveries, name of the inventor and also year of inventions. At the end of this article, we have discussed some sample questions related to this topic.

List of inventions and discoveries

Invention/DiscoveriesYearInventor Country
Adding Machine1642PascalFrance
Aeroplane1903Orville & Wilbur WrightUSA
Automatic Calculator1623Wilhelm SchickardGermany
Air Brake1872George WestinghouseUS
Air Conditioner1914Willis CarrierUSA
Air Pump1650Otto von GuerickeGermany
Airship (jet engine)1939OhainGermany
Airship (Non-rigid)1852Henri GiffardFrance
Airship (rigid)1900G. Ferdinand Von ZeppelinGermany
Anemometer1450Leon Battista AlbertiItaly
Automatic gearboxHermann FottingerGermany
Animation1892Emile ReynaudFrance
Atom Bomb1945Julius Robert OppenheimerUSA
Adhesive tape 1923 Richard G. Drew USA
Aspirin 1899 Dr. Felix Hoffman Germany
Antiseptic Surgery 1865 Lord Joseph Lister British
Arc Lamp 1879 C. F. Brush Ohio, USA
Astronomical Telescope 1608 Hans Lippershey Netherlands
Argon 1894 William Ramsay & Baron Ray Leigh UK
AC motor and transformer, vacuum tube amplifier, Tesla coil, X-Ray technology 1880s Nikola Tesla USA
Barometer 1643 Evangelista Torricelli Italy
Bacteria 1665 Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands
Bifocal Lens 1784 Benjamin Franklin USA
Braille 1829 Louis Braille France
Bullet 1849 Claude Minie France
Barbed Wire 1873 Joseph F. Glidden USA
Ball Point Pen 1888 John Loud USA
Bicycle Tyres 1888 John Boyd Dunlop Scotland
Bakelite 1907 H. Backcland Belgium /US
Band Aid 1920 Earle Dickson USA
Bicycle1839Kirkpatrick MacmillanBritain
Blood Group1900Karl LansdsteinerAustria
Battery (Electric)1800Alessandro VoltaItaly
Bleaching Powder1798TennantBritain
Burglar Alarm1858Edwin T HolmesUSA
Blood Circulation1628William HerveyUK
Balloon1783Jacques and Joseph MontgolfierFrance
Beri – Beri1897Christiaan EijkmanNetherlands
Biogenetic Principle1860sErnst HaeckelGermany
Camera (Kodak)1888Walker EastmanUSA
Cine Camera1889Wm. Friese-GreeneBritain
Clarinet1690Johann Christoph DennerGermany
Centigrade Scale1742Anders CelsiusSweden
Chlorine1774Karl Wilhelm ScheeleSweden
Car (Steam)1769Nicolas CugnotFrance
Car (Petrol)1888Karl BenzGermany
Carburetor1876Gottlieb DaimlerGermany
Cadmium1817Friedrich StromeyerGermany
Cement (Portland)1824Joseph AspdinEngland
Cinema1894Nicolas & Jean LumiereFrance
Cash Register1879James RittyUSA
Clock (Mechanical)1725I-Hsing & Liang Ling-TsanChina
Clock (Pendulum)1656Christian HuygensNetherlands
Celluloid1861Alexander ParkesUK
Chloroform1831E. SoberranFrance
Cellophane1900I.E. BrandenbergerSwitzerland
Crescograph1920sJagadish Chandra BoseIndia
Car Radio1929William Lear & Elmer WaveringUS
Compact Disc1972RCAUSA
Compact Disc Player1979Sony, PhilipsJapan, Netherlands
Computer (Laptop)1987SinclairBritain
Computer (Mini)1960Digital CorpUSA
Dynamite1867Alfred B. NobelSweden
Dynamo1832Hypolite PixiiFrance
Diesel Engine1895Rudolf DieselGermany
Dental Plate1817Anthony A. PlantsonUSA
Disc Brake1902Dr. F. LanchesterEngland
Electric stove/cooker1896William S. HadawayEngland
Electric Iron1882H.W. SeeleyUSA
Electroscope1748Jean NolletFrance
Electric Motor1834Moritz JacobiRussia
Electric Fan1882Schuyler Skaats WheelerUSA
Electric Battery1800VoltaItaly
Electromagnet1824William SturgeonEngland
Elevator1852Elisha G. OtisUSA
Electric Motor (AC)1888Nicolas TeslaUSA
Electric Motor (DC)1873Zenobe GrammeBelgium
Electromagnetic Induction1831Michael FaradayUK
Electric Generator1831Michael FaradayUK
Electric Lamp1879Thomas Alva EdisonUSA
Electronic Calculator 1954IBMUSA
Electric Washing Machine1906Alva J FisherUSA
Electroplating1805Luigi BrugnatelliItaly
Electronic Computer 1824 Dr Alan M Turing Britain
Fountain Pen 1884 Lewis Edson Waterman USA
Film sound 1923 Dr. Le de Forest USA
Fluorine 1886 Ferdinand Frederick Henri Moissan France
Film (Talking) 1926 Warner Bros US
Gramophone 1878 Thomas Edison US
Glider 1853 Sir George Calyey UK
Gravity & Reflecting telescope 1668 Isaac Newton England
Generator 1860 Piciontti Italy
Gyrocompass 1908 Elmer A. Sperry US
Guillotin1790s Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin France
Galvanometer 1824 Andre-Marie Ampere France
Gas lighting 1792 William Murdoch British
Gun powder Roger Bacon
Hydrogen1766 Henry Cavendish France
Hot Air Balloon 1783 Josef & Etienne Montgolfier France
Helium 1868 William Ramsay Great Britain
Helicopter 1939 Igor Sikorsky Ukraine
Hovercraft 1959 Christopher Cockerell England
Insulin 1923 Sir Frederick Banting Canada
Jet Engine 1937 Sir Frank Whittle Britain
Kala-azar Fever Upendra Nath Brahmachari India
Kaleidoscope 1817 David Brewster Scotland
Lightning Conductor 1752 Benjamin Franklin USA
Laser 1960 Theodore Maiman USA
Launderette1934 J F Cantrell USA
Locomotive1804Richard Trevithick UK
Lift (Mechanical) 1852 Elisha G Otis USA
Light Bulb 1854 Heinrich Goebel Germany
Loudspeaker 1900 Horace Short Britain
Logarithms1590s John Napier Scotland
Laughing Gas 1772 Joseph Priestley England
Law of Electrolysis 1833 Michael Faraday England
Life Boat 1790 Henry Greathead England
Machine Gun 1861 Richard Gaffing US
Magnetic recording tape 1928 Fritz Pfleumer Germany
Motorcycle 1848 Edward Butler UK
Microphone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell USA
Microscope(Compounded) 1590 Zacharis Janssen Netherlands
Microscope (Electronic) 1931 Ruska Knoll Germany
Milling machine & cotton gin 1793 Eli Whitney USA
Motor Scooter 1919 Greville Bradshaw England
Microwave Oven 1947 Percy LeBaron Spencer USA
Movie Projector 1893 Thomas Edison USA
Neon Lamp 1915 Georges Claude France
Napier Bones 1590s John Napier Scotland
Neutron 1932 James Chadwick England
Nylon 1935 Wallace Hume Carothers USA
Neutron Bomb 1958 Samuel Cohen USA
Oxygen 1775 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier France
Optical Fibre 1955 Narinder Kapany Germany
Ozone 1839 Christian Schonbein Germany
Origin of Species 1859 Charles Darwin UK
Piano 1700 Bartolomeo Cristofori Italy
Printing Press 1440 Johannes Gutenberg Germany
Parachute 1785 Jean Pierre Blanchard France
Polio Vaccine 1955 Jonas Edward Salk USA
Periodic Table 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev Russia
Penicillin 1928 Alexander Fleming UK
Pacemaker 1952 Dr. Paul Zoll USA
Petrol (for motor car) 1885 Karl Benz Germany
Pocket Watch 1510 Peter Henlein Germany
Pendulum Clock 1657 Christian Huygens Netherlands
Photography (on metal) 1826 Joseph Nicephore Niepce France
Photography (on paper) 1835 W.H Fox Talbot England
Photography (on film) 1888 John Carbutt USA
Phonograph 1877 Thomas Edison USA
Refrigerator 1851 James Harrison UK
Radium 1898 Marie & Pierre Curie France
Radar 1922 Dr. Albert H. Taylor & Leo C. Yong USA
Rubber (Vulcanized) 1841 Charles Goodyear USA
Rocket Engin 1926 Robert H. Goddard USA
Radio 1894 Gughelmo Macroni Italy
Richter Scale 1935 Charles Richter USA
Revolver 1835 Samuel Colt USA
Rubella Vaccine 1967 Maurice Hillman US
Ship (Turbine) 1894 Charles Parsons England
Ship (Steam) 1775 J.C Perier France
Safety Match 1855 J.E. Lundstrom Sweden
Safety Lamp 1816 Sir Humphry Davy England
Steam Engine 1698 Thomas Savery UK
Submarine 1776 David Bushnell USA
Steam Boat 1786 John Fitch USA
Small Pox Vaccine 1796 Edward Jenner England
Stethoscope 1816 Rene Laennec France
Saxophone 1846 Adolphe Sax Belgium
Sewing Machine 1846 Elias Howe USA
Safety Pin 1849 William Hunt US
Steam-Powered Airship 1852 Henri Giffard France
Silicones 1904 F.S Kipping England
Soft Contact lenses 1961 Otto Wichterle Czech
Synthesizer 1964 Dr. Robert Arthur Moog USA
Steam Engine (Piston) 1712 Thomas Newcomen Britain
Steam Engine (Condenser) 1765 James Watt Britain
Super Computer 1976 J H Van Tassel USA
Telescope 1608 Hans Lippershey Netherlands
Television 1926 John Logic Baird Scotland
Thermometer 1593 Galileo Italy
Tungsten 1783 Juan José Elhuyar Lubize & Fausto de Elhuyar Spain
Telegraph 1837 William Cook & Charles Wheatstone England
Telegraph code 1837 Samuel Morse USA
Typewriter 1841 Peter Mitterhofer Austria
Transformer (Induction coil) 1842 William Stanley .Jr US
Telephone 1874 Graham Bell Canada
Time Recorder1890Harlow Bundy USA
Tractor (Caterpillar)1900Benjamin HoltUS
Transistors1948John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter BrattainUS
Theory of Evolution1858Charles DarwinUK
Valve. Radio1904Sir J.A FlemingBritain
Vacuum Cleaner1869Ives McGuffeyUSA
Vitamin A1913Elmer V. McCollum & M. DavisUSA
Vitamin B1916Elmer V. McCollumUS
Vitamin C1920Albert Szent-Györgyi & Charles Glen KingUSA
Vitamin D1920Edward MellanbyUSA
Vitamin E1922Herbert McLean EvansUSA
Vitamin K1929Henrik Dam & Edward Adelbert DoisyDenmark
Watch (Self Winding)1791Abraham-Louis BreguetFrance
Welder (Electric Welding)1877Elisha ThompsonUS
Windshield wipers1903Mary AndersonUSA
World Wide Web1989Tim Berners Lee with Robert CailliauBelgian
X-ray1895Wilhelm Conrad RoentgenGermany
Xerox Machine1928Chester CarlsonUS

Also Read:


We have provided a list of inventions/ discoveries and their inventor. Almost in every government exam questions are asked from this area. Hope it will help you to score better. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who invented microphone?

Ans: Alexander Graham Bell invented the microphone.

Q2. What is discovered in 1920 by Edward Mellanby?

Ans: In 1920, Edward Mellanby discovered Vitamin D.

Q3. In 1842, who discovered Telephone?

Ans: In 1842, Graham Bell discovered Telephone.

Q4. Who invented Safety pin in which year?

Ans: In 1849, Walter Hunt invented the Safety pin.

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